Lorena Rosende e Ixchel Ledesma,
Socias fundadoras.
For us, EMRA represents women in the broadest and most global sense, a representation of the feminine in all its forms. We founded this project because we share the same desire to work for real freedom for women all over the world, but most of all because it fulfills us deeply. That probably sounds selfish. We like to think that we can be "wise and selfish": pursuing women's economic autonomy, in the pursuit of our own well-being.
For us, EMRA represents women in the broadest and most global sense, a representation of the feminine in all its forms. We founded this project because we share the same desire to work for real freedom for women all over the world, but most of all because it fulfills us deeply. That probably sounds selfish. We like to think that we can be "wise and selfish": pursuing women's economic autonomy, in the pursuit of our own well-being.
Ixchel Ledesma
Ixchel Ledesma (b. Mexico, 1988) is an independent curator and designer. Her topics of interest are the dialogue between art, craft, fashion and design with special emphasis on textile materiality and jewelry. Ledesma is interested in personal and collective searches that question binary concepts of gender and identity, proposing alternative models of power relations in the artistic field. She holds a Master’s degree from the Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has carried out projects in Canada, Mexico, Argentina, United States, Spain, Chile, among others. She currently lives and works in Spain.

Lorena Rosende
Lorena Rosende (Spain, 1978) is the co-founder of Emra. She is an Energy Engineer from the University of Vigo, holds a Master’s in Advanced Manufacturing Technologies from the same university, and a Master’s in Occupational Risk Preven- tion from the University of Santiago de Compostela.
She is the CEO and co-founder of Merasys, a technology development company.
She was recognized as one of the leading women in the Spanish entrepreneurial ecosystem in 2020. Involved in gender-related projects from the start, she actively participates in and promotes youth mentoring programs for women.
Lorena Rosende (Spain, 1978) is the co-founder of Emra. She is an Energy Engineer working in industrial processes as CEO and co-founder of Merasys, a technology development company. She was recognized as one of the leading women in the Spanish entrepreneurial ecosystem in 2020. Involved in gender-related projects from the start, she actively participates in and promotes youth mentoring programs for women.
Lorena Rosende (Spain, 1978) is the co-founder of Emra. She is an Energy Engineer working in industrial processes as CEO and co-founder of Merasys, a technology development company. She was recognized as one of the leading women in the Spanish entrepreneurial ecosystem in 2020. Involved in gender-related projects from the start, she actively participates in and promotes youth mentoring programs for women.

Loreta Martinez
Loreto martinez troncoso
Loreto martinez troncoso
Born in Vigo in 1978; she currently lives and works in Porto and Paris. After attending the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Vigo, she moved in 1999 to the School of Fine Arts in Bordeaux and the National School of Fine Arts in Lyon, where she comple- ted her studies. In the following years, she received several residency scholarships in cities such as Budapest, Hendaye, San Sebastián, León, Porto, and Paris.
Her notable exhibitions and actions include those held at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (Paris), Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Arteleku (San Sebastián), and Fundação Serralves (Porto). She has also participated in group exhibitions such asUrbanitas (MARCO, Vigo, 2006), Arte e Investigación 07 (Mon- tehermoso Cultural Center, Vitoria), and El medio es el museo (MARCO, Vigo / Koldo Mitxelena, San Sebastián, 2008).
Born in Vigo in 1978; she currently lives and works in Porto and Paris. After attending the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Vigo, she moved in 1999 to the School of Fine Arts in Bordeaux and the National School of Fine Arts in Lyon, where she completed her studies. In the following years, she received several residency scholarships in cities such as Budapest, Hendaye, San Sebastián, León, Porto, and Paris.
Her notable exhibitions and actions include those held at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (Paris), Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Arteleku (San Sebastián), and Fundação Serralves (Porto). She has also participated in group exhibitions such asUrbanitas (MARCO, Vigo, 2006), Arte e Investigación 07 (Montehermoso Cultural Center, Vitoria), and El medio es el museo (MARCO, Vigo / Koldo Mitxelena, San Sebastián, 2008).
Born in Vigo in 1978; she currently lives and works in Porto and Paris. After attending the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Vigo, she moved in 1999 to the School of Fine Arts in Bordeaux and the National School of Fine Arts in Lyon, where she completed her studies. In the following years, she received several residency scholarships in cities such as Budapest, Hendaye, San Sebastián, León, Porto, and Paris.
Her notable exhibitions and actions include those held at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (Paris), Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Arteleku (San Sebastián), and Fundação Serralves (Porto). She has also participated in group exhibitions such asUrbanitas (MARCO, Vigo, 2006), Arte e Investigación 07 (Montehermoso Cultural Center, Vitoria), and El medio es el museo (MARCO, Vigo / Koldo Mitxelena, San Sebastián, 2008).
Pabla Fiorella
Pabla Fiorella studied graphic design in Buenos Aires and, after graduating, worked as a designer in a transportation planning team. She grew up in Chaco, in northern Argentina, but has been living in Berlin for many years, where she has worked in both design and art direction, mostly on campaigns with political-social content or in the cultural field. Pabla also writes poetry and has begun working on her second novel.
She has over ten years of experience as a designer and art director in Argentina and Germany. She has a particular pas- sion for social impact projects, where she can deliver sustai- nable and innovative design solutions.
Pabla Fiorella studied graphic design in Buenos Aires and, after graduating, worked as a designer in a transportation planning team. She grew up in Chaco, in northern Argentina, but has been living in Berlin for many years, where she has worked in both design and art direction, mostly on campaigns with political-social content or in the cultural field. Pabla also writes poetry and has begun working on her second novel.
She has over ten years of experience as a designer and art director in Argentina and Germany. She has a particular passion for social impact projects, where she can deliver sustainable and innovative design solutions.
Pabla Fiorella studied graphic design in Buenos Aires and, after graduating, worked as a designer in a transportation planning team. She grew up in Chaco, in northern Argentina, but has been living in Berlin for many years, where she has worked in both design and art direction, mostly on campaigns with political-social content or in the cultural field. Pabla also writes poetry and has begun working on her second novel.
She has over ten years of experience as a designer and art director in Argentina and Germany. She has a particular passion for social impact projects, where she can deliver sustainable and innovative design solutions.
Alejandra Pombo
Born in Santiago de Compostela in 1979. Doctor in Fine Arts with a thesis on the paradoxes of the introduction of the notion of performance in contemporary art, her artistic work moves between the plastic arts, audiovisual and performance. He has won the prize of the I Call for Artistic Residencies FMJJ 2021 and has been chosen as an artist in residence at Bule- goa z/b (Bilbao), I-Park Foundation (Connecticut, USA), Atlan- tic Center for the Arts (Florida , USA), PACT-Zollverein (Essen, Germany), La Casa Encendida, the CA2M and the Ranchito in Matadero Madrid, among others. His work has been presented at different festivals, museums and art cen- ters such as the Reina Sofía Museum, Fabra i Coats, La Casa Encendida or the MUSAC. Since 2021, he has been part of the NEG (Nova Escultura Galega) collective.
Known for her diverse perspectives, she is dedicated to crea- ting designs that genuinely benefit people
Visit website
Born in Santiago de Compostela in 1979. Doctor in Fine Arts with a thesis on the paradoxes of the introduction of the notion of performance in contemporary art, her artistic work moves between the plastic arts, audiovisual and performance. He has won the prize of the I Call for Artistic Residencies FMJJ 2021 and has been chosen as an artist in residence at Bulegoa z/b (Bilbao), I-Park Foundation (Connecticut, USA), Atlantic Center for the Arts (Florida , USA), PACT-Zollverein (Essen, Germany), La Casa Encendida, the CA2M and the Ranchito in Matadero Madrid, among others. His work has been presented at different festivals, museums and art centers such as the Reina Sofía Museum, Fabra i Coats, La Casa Encendida or the MUSAC. Since 2021, he has been part of the NEG (Nova Escultura Galega) collective.
Known for her diverse perspectives, she is dedicated to creating designs that genuinely benefit people
Born in Santiago de Compostela in 1979. Doctor in Fine Arts with a thesis on the paradoxes of the introduction of the notion of performance in contemporary art, her artistic work moves between the plastic arts, audiovisual and performance. He has won the prize of the I Call for Artistic Residencies FMJJ 2021 and has been chosen as an artist in residence at Bulegoa z/b (Bilbao), I-Park Foundation (Connecticut, USA), Atlantic Center for the Arts (Florida , USA), PACT-Zollverein (Essen, Germany), La Casa Encendida, the CA2M and the Ranchito in Matadero Madrid, among others. His work has been presented at different festivals, museums and art centers such as the Reina Sofía Museum, Fabra i Coats, La Casa Encendida or the MUSAC. Since 2021, he has been part of the NEG (Nova Escultura Galega) collective.
Known for her diverse perspectives, she is dedicated to creating designs that genuinely benefit people
Judith Abataberna
Filmmaker, photographer, and visual artist Judith Adataberna has developed her imaginative world through experimental cinema, photography, and video installation. She studied Fine Arts and completed her studies with a scholarship from the experimental cinema laboratory Master-LAV (Madrid).
Raised by seafaring parents, she spent her entire childhood on an oyster raft, developing a deep observation of nature and its phenomenology. Her interest in psychology and the mysteries of consciousness has been crucial in formulating simulatory works that challenge scales and thresholds of perception. Her concern for survival mechanisms and technological evolution has led her to question humanity’s detachment from nature.
Filmmaker, photographer, and visual artist Judith Adataberna has developed her imaginative world through experimental cinema, photography, and video installation. She studied Fine Arts and completed her studies with a scholarship from the experimental cinema laboratory Master-LAV (Madrid).
Raised by seafaring parents, she spent her entire childhood on an oyster raft, developing a deep observation of nature and its phenomenology. Her interest in psychology and the mysteries of consciousness has been crucial in formulating simulatory works that challenge scales and thresholds of perception. Her concern for survival mechanisms and technological evolution has led her to question humanity’s detachment from nature.
Filmmaker, photographer, and visual artist Judith Adataberna has developed her imaginative world through experimental cinema, photography, and video installation. She studied Fine Arts and completed her studies with a scholarship from the experimental cinema laboratory Master-LAV (Madrid).
Raised by seafaring parents, she spent her entire childhood on an oyster raft, developing a deep observation of nature and its phenomenology. Her interest in psychology and the mysteries of consciousness has been crucial in formulating simulatory works that challenge scales and thresholds of perception. Her concern for survival mechanisms and technological evolution has led her to question humanity’s detachment from nature.
Lucy Smith
Lorena Rosende (Spain, 1978) is the co-founder of Emra. She is an Energy Engineer from the University of Vigo, holds a Master’s in Advanced Manufacturing Technologies from the same university, and a Master’s in Occupational Risk Preven- tion from the University of Santiago de Compostela.
She is the CEO and co-founder of Merasys, a technology development company.
She was recognized as one of the leading women in the Spanish entrepreneurial ecosystem in 2020. Involved in gender-related projects from the start, she actively participates in and promotes youth mentoring programs for women.
Born in the UK in 1997, she graduated from the University of Southampton with a Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages. Her love for travel and languages soon brought her to Vigo, Spain, where she now works and resides. After working for two years as an English teacher, her current role is within the Commercial Department at Merasys, as well as translating content for EMRA2EMRA.
Born in the UK in 1997, she graduated from the University of Southampton with a Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages. Her love for travel and languages soon brought her to Vigo, Spain, where she now works and resides. After working for two years as an English teacher, her current role is within the Commercial Department at Merasys, as well as translating content for EMRA2EMRA.
For us, EMRA represents women in the broadest and most global sense, a representation of the feminine in all its forms. We founded this project because we share the same desire to work for real freedom for women all over the world, but most of all because it fulfills us deeply. That probably sounds selfish. We like to think that we can be "wise and selfish": pursuing women's economic autonomy, in the pursuit of our own well-being.
Ixchel Ledesma

Ixchel Ledesma (b. Mexico, 1988) is an independent curator and designer. Her topics of interest are the dialogue between art, craft, fashion and design with special emphasis on textile materiality and jewelry. Ledesma is interested in personal and collective searches that question binary concepts of gender and identity, proposing alternative models of power relations in the artistic field. She holds a Master’s degree from the Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has carried out projects in Canada, Mexico, Argentina, United States, Spain, Chile, among others. She currently lives and works in Spain.
Lorena Rosende

Lorena Rosende (Spain, 1978) is the co-founder of Emra. She is an Energy Engineer working in industrial processes as CEO and co-founder of Merasys, a technology development company. She was recognized as one of the leading women in the Spanish entrepreneurial ecosystem in 2020. Involved in gender-related projects from the start, she actively participates in and promotes youth mentoring programs for women.
LoretO Martinez TRONCOSO
Born in Vigo in 1978; she currently lives and works in Porto and Paris. After attending the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Vigo, she moved in 1999 to the School of Fine Arts in Bordeaux and the National School of Fine Arts in Lyon, where she completed her studies. In the following years, she received several residency scholarships in cities such as Budapest, Hendaye, San Sebastián, León, Porto, and Paris.
Her notable exhibitions and actions include those held at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (Paris), Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Arteleku (San Sebastián), and Fundação Serralves (Porto). She has also participated in group exhibitions such asUrbanitas (MARCO, Vigo, 2006), Arte e Investigación 07 (Montehermoso Cultural Center, Vitoria), and El medio es el museo (MARCO, Vigo / Koldo Mitxelena, San Sebastián, 2008).
Pabla Fiorella
Pabla Fiorella studied graphic design in Buenos Aires and, after graduating, worked as a designer in a transportation planning team. She grew up in Chaco, in northern Argentina, but has been living in Berlin for many years, where she has worked in both design and art direction, mostly on campaigns with political-social content or in the cultural field. Pabla also writes poetry and has begun working on her second novel.
She has over ten years of experience as a designer and art director in Argentina and Germany. She has a particular passion for social impact projects, where she can deliver sustainable and innovative design solutions.
Pabla Fiorella studied graphic design in Buenos Aires and, after graduating, worked as a designer in a transportation planning team. She grew up in Chaco, in northern Argentina, but has been living in Berlin for many years, where she has worked in both design and art direction, mostly on campaigns with political-social content or in the cultural field. Pabla also writes poetry and has begun working on her second novel.
She has over ten years of experience as a designer and art director in Argentina and Germany. She has a particular passion for social impact projects, where she can deliver sustainable and innovative design solutions.
Alejandra Pombo
Born in Santiago de Compostela in 1979. Doctor in Fine Arts with a thesis on the paradoxes of the introduction of the notion of performance in contemporary art, her artistic work moves between the plastic arts, audiovisual and performance. He has won the prize of the I Call for Artistic Residencies FMJJ 2021 and has been chosen as an artist in residence at Bulegoa z/b (Bilbao), I-Park Foundation (Connecticut, USA), Atlantic Center for the Arts (Florida , USA), PACT-Zollverein (Essen, Germany), La Casa Encendida, the CA2M and the Ranchito in Matadero Madrid, among others. His work has been presented at different festivals, museums and art centers such as the Reina Sofía Museum, Fabra i Coats, La Casa Encendida or the MUSAC. Since 2021, he has been part of the NEG (Nova Escultura Galega) collective.
Known for her diverse perspectives, she is dedicated to creating designs that genuinely benefit people
Judith Adataberna
Filmmaker, photographer, and visual artist Judith Adataberna has developed her imaginative world through experimental cinema, photography, and video installation. She studied Fine Arts and completed her studies with a scholarship from the experimental cinema laboratory Master-LAV (Madrid).
Raised by seafaring parents, she spent her entire childhood on an oyster raft, developing a deep observation of nature and its phenomenology. Her interest in psychology and the mysteries of consciousness has been crucial in formulating simulatory works that challenge scales and thresholds of perception. Her concern for survival mechanisms and technological evolution has led her to question humanity’s detachment from nature.
Lucy Smith
Born in the UK in 1997, she graduated from the University of Southampton with a Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages. Her love for travel and languages soon brought her to Vigo, Spain, where she now works and resides. After working for two years as an English teacher, her current role is within the Commercial Department at Merasys, as well as translating content for EMRA2EMRA.